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Bringing the Jungle Indoors: Top 10 Easy-Care Indoor Plants for Towering Appeal

top 10 indoor plants

If you’ve ever looked around your home and felt that something was missing, you’re not alone. Many of us crave a touch of nature to bring life into our living spaces. The easiest and most effective way to do this? Indoor plants. Not just any indoor plants, but tall, easy-care indoor plants that can add a touch of elegance and drama to your home.

Let’s dive into this green oasis and discover the top 10 plants that will not only thrive with minimal care but also add significant height to your indoor spaces.

Now, before you envision yourself wrestling with a thirsty Fiddle Leaf Fig (trust me, been there, done that!), hold on. There’s a whole world of low-maintenance, sky-reaching beauties out there, perfect for the busy Nigerian professional.

Craving Green Without the Green Thumb

We’ve all been there. You scroll through Pinterest, mesmerized by cascading Monsteras and towering Snake Plants, yearning to recreate that lush, Instagram-worthy haven. However, as we navigate our busy lives, it can be a challenge to keep our living spaces vibrant and welcoming.

A common problem many people face is maintaining greenery indoors. The allure of tall plants is undeniable—they make a statement, create focal points, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of any room. However, the misconception that tall indoor plants are hard to care for often deters people from incorporating them into their homes.

This struggle is especially real in Africa, where the hot, dry climate can be unforgiving to some houseplants. But fear not, my fellow plant lovers. There’s a solution, and it comes in the form of these amazing, low-drama, high-impact indoor giants.

The absence of greenery can affect not just the aesthetic appeal of a home but also the well-being of its inhabitants. Studies have shown that indoor plants can reduce stress, enhance mood, and improve air quality, making the lack of them a missed opportunity for creating a healthier living environment.

Finding Your Perfect Green Companion: Top 10 Easy-Care Indoor Plants for Height

Now that we’ve established the need for tall indoor plants, let’s delve into the good stuff: the actual plants themselves! Here are our top 10 picks, specifically chosen for their resilience and ability to thrive in the Nigerian climate:

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Why It’s Great: Known as the “mother-in-law’s tongue,” the Snake Plant is almost indestructible. It thrives on neglect, making it perfect for busy lifestyles.

Care Tips: It requires minimal watering and can survive in low light conditions, although it prefers indirect sunlight. Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 4 feet tall.

Example: Place a Snake Plant in a sleek pot in your living room to add vertical interest without worrying about daily care.

snake plant

2. The Corn Plant (Dracaena Marginata):

This statuesque beauty features slender, arching branches adorned with lush green or bi-colored foliage. It’s a slow grower, so you won’t have to worry about constant repotting, and it tolerates a range of light conditions, making it adaptable to most Nigerian homes.

Corn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)

Why It’s Great: With its wide, arching leaves and sturdy stalk, the Corn Plant is a resilient, attractive choice for any room.

Care Tips: Prefers low to bright indirect light and should be watered when the soil feels dry.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 6 feet tall.

Example: Use a Corn Plant to fill a corner of your living room, adding height and a pop of green to your décor.

3. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Why It’s Great: The ZZ Plant is a hardy, low-maintenance plant that can tolerate drought and low light.

Care Tips: Water when the top few inches of soil are dry, and keep it away from direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

Height Potential: Can reach up to 3 feet tall.

Example: A ZZ Plant in an elegant pot can be the perfect addition to your bedroom corner, adding a touch of green without much fuss.

zzz plant

4. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Why It’s Great: With its broad, shiny leaves, the Rubber Plant is an excellent choice for those looking for a statement plant.

Care Tips: Prefers bright, indirect light and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 10 feet tall indoors.

Example: Use a Rubber Plant to fill an empty corner in your dining area, creating a lush, inviting atmosphere.

5. Dracaena Marginata

Why It’s Great: Also known as the Dragon Tree, this plant is known for its striking, slender leaves and easy care.

Care Tips: Thrives in bright to moderate indirect light and requires watering when the top soil is dry.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 6 feet tall.

Example: A Dracaena Marginata by the window can draw the eye upwards and add a modern touch to your living space.

6. Parlor Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

Why It’s Great: This plant brings a touch of the tropics indoors with its graceful, arching fronds.

Care Tips: Prefers indirect light and needs to be watered when the top inch of soil dries out.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 6-8 feet tall.

Example: A Parlor Palm in the hallway can make a grand entrance, providing a warm welcome to guests.

7. Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

Why It’s Great: Known for its elegant fronds, the Kentia Palm is a classic choice for indoor spaces.

Care Tips: Tolerates low light but thrives in bright, indirect light. Water when the topsoil is dry.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 10 feet tall.

Example: Place a Kentia Palm in a large pot in your living room to create a sophisticated, airy feel.

8. Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata)

Why It’s Great: With its large, violin-shaped leaves, the Fiddle Leaf Fig is a trendy choice for modern homes.

Care Tips: Prefers bright, indirect light and needs consistent moisture, but not overwatering.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 10 feet tall.

Example: Position a Fiddle Leaf Fig in a well-lit corner to make a bold statement in your home office.

9. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)

Why It’s Great: Known for its dramatic, banana-like leaves, this plant adds a tropical vibe to any space.

Care Tips: Needs bright, indirect light and regular watering, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 6 feet tall.

Example: A Bird of Paradise can be the centerpiece in your living room, adding height and a touch of exotic beauty.

Bird of Paradise

10. Yucca Plant (Yucca elephantipes)

Why It’s Great: The Yucca Plant is known for its sword-like leaves and robust trunk, adding a unique architectural element to your home.

Care Tips: Thrives in bright light and should be watered sparingly, letting the soil dry out between waterings.

Height Potential: Can grow up to 8 feet tall.

Example: Place a Yucca Plant in a minimalist pot to add a touch of desert chic to your home.

Integrating these easy-care plants into your home can be straightforward with the right guidance. We’re dedicated to helping you make informed decisions to enhance your living spaces. Our team of home design experts and horticulturists is always on hand to provide advice tailored to your specific needs and environment. Whether you’re in a compact apartment in Lagos or a spacious home in Abuja, we can help you select and care for the perfect plants to elevate your space.

Painting the Gains

Imagine walking into your home and being greeted by the lush, green elegance of a tall indoor plant. These plants don’t just fill a space; they transform it. The benefits are multifaceted:

  1. Aesthetic Appeal: Tall plants create focal points and add architectural interest, making rooms feel more finished and stylish.
  2. Health Benefits: Indoor plants can improve air quality by filtering toxins and releasing oxygen, promoting a healthier indoor environment.
  3. Psychological Well-being: Being surrounded by greenery has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood, creating a more serene and inviting home.
  4. Low Maintenance: The plants we’ve highlighted require minimal care, making them ideal for busy lifestyles.
  5. Versatility: These plants can fit into various decor styles, from modern to traditional, adding a touch of nature to any aesthetic.


Tall, easy-care indoor plants are the perfect solution to transform your home into a green haven. They bring height, beauty, and numerous benefits without demanding extensive care. At Amastyles, we’re passionate about helping you create a space that reflects your personality and lifestyle. With our expert advice and your enthusiasm, you can easily incorporate these stunning plants into your home, enjoying the tranquility and elegance they bring.

Embrace the beauty of indoor plants and let them elevate your living space to new heights. Start your journey with Amastyles today, and watch your home bloom into a lush, green sanctuary.

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